
Best Tools for Desk Sharing
The era of hybrid work has arrived. The growing popularity of new work models enabled employees to have the flexibility to work anywhere: they alternate between remote work and working from shared office spaces. Desk sharing is the model of...
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New Work Definition

This article explores the concept of New Work and its impacts on the modern working world. New Work represents a new work philosophy that challenges traditional work structures and offers alternative approaches to work design. The article begins by providing a comprehensive definition of New Work, highlighting its core principles of individual autonomy, meaningfulness of work, self-responsibility, and the promotion of creativity and innovation. It then delves into the various impacts of New Work on the modern working world.

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Rethinking Home Offices
  Working from home sounds nice, but in the long run it can also be quite exhausting if you are not properly prepared. In order to efficiently integrate a home office into your everyday life, you have to organise it...
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How To Optimize Your Office Footprint
Activity-based working is quickly becoming the new norm in modern office design. By offering employees a variety of spaces designed for different tasks, businesses can help to improve productivity and promote creativity while also reducing real estate costs. One aspect...
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Clean Desk, Clear Mind
Activity-based working and desk sharing are two office concepts that have become increasingly popular in recent years. Both aim to increase efficiency, flexibility, and collaboration in the workplace. However, they require a clean desk policy to be effectively implemented. Activity-based...
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Gustav Original Desk Organizer & Laptop Stand Oak/White Gustav Original XL Desk Organizer & Laptop Stand Oak/White DeskMate Work Bag Gustav Original Black - Desk Organizer and Laptop Stand Gustav Tote Bag Recycled Cotton


Office Tools for Desk Sharing

Designed for the new ways of working. Loved by agile workers around the globe.

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